Once you’ve done that, we’re going to open the DLC unlocker folder we downloaded. to do this, click “quit” when holding down on the app like this. this means completely shut down the app(don’t uninstall it, just close the app). Now, you should quit origin so it’s not open at all. once you’ve extracted it it should look like this, if it doesn’t you didn’t do it right so dm me on discord(linked at the bottom). your computer should do it automatically but if not, go to the app store and download a zip extractor. Once the file is downloaded, click it(or double click) to extract it. if not, you didn’t do it right or theres some restriction on your computer. zip file, if this is the case it’s downloading correctly. if you use origin download with this link, if you use EA use this link.

click this link then under “origin” and “EA” click the first link depending on which software you use to play the sims. Step 1 says to download the file: origin DLC unlocker for mac so let’s do that. next, what we’ll do is scroll down until you find “step 1” and follow the steps.

Hi everyone! since yt and tiktok took down my video i’ve been looking for a platform to post a remake version on and restorted to reddit! i plan on making a new video in the future but for now this will do.